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Showing posts from March, 2018

How To Communicate About The Importance of SEO To Your Boss

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the sum of all tactics, strategies and techniques that are employed to increase the number of visitors to any website. These strategies work by placing the websites on high ranks on search engine results. The search engine results page of various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. How-to -communicate-the - importance-of-SEO-to-your-Boss SEO is a crucial factor in the promotion of an organizational website. A good SEO Consultant is highly in demand now-a-days. Still most are unaware of its utilization due to lack of knowledge. Your boss can be one of them too. Ways to prove the value of SEO     Be ready to bust the myths about SEO to your boss. SEO isn’t unethical form of marketing as it is generally perceived, if abided by guidelines set by search engines.       Inform your boss about the organic search data. Investing in this organic search fetches high returns to the organization just by in...